Friday, April 26, 2013

Die Marvel Superhelden-Party ist da! (The Marvel Super Heroes Party is here!)

Hello everyone, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Yesterday there was a brand new post on the German Club Penguin Blog by Federflink1, check it out.

First here is the German Version.

"Von Federflink1 am 25. April 2013 - 9:29 |"

"Helden Hallo,"
"nun ist es endlich soweit, die Marvel Superhelden-Party ist da! Überall auf der ganzen Insel sieht man Superhelden und Superschurken um den Sieg kämpfen. Diese Kreativität im Spiel um Gut und Böse da draußen ist total genial! Schaut selbst …"

"Jetzt, da ihr die Chance hattet alle Kostüme und die neue Umgebung im Spiel auszuprobieren, … wie gefällt es euch? Was mögt ihr an der diesjährigen Marvel Superhelden-Party am meisten? Teilt mir mit, was ihr denkt, indem ihr einen Kommentar hinterlasst. Bis dann!"

"Super Flossenwinker-Grüße :-)"

"Euer Federflink1"

"vom Club Penguin Team"

And here is the English Version.

"By Federflink1 on April 25, 2013 - 9:29 |"

"Hello heroes,"

"Now the time has come, the Marvel superhero party is here! Everywhere on the island you can see superheroes and supervillains to fight to win. This creativity in the game of good and evil out there is totally awesome! Look for yourself ..."

"Now that you have had the chance to try out all of the costumes and the new environment in the game ... how you like it What do you like about this year's Marvel superhero party the most? Tells me what you think by behind you let a comment . Until then! "

"Super fins Winker Greetings :-)"

"Your Federflink1"

"The Club Penguin Team"

Cool to know huh? What do you think of the brand new post? My favorite part about the Marvel Party is the Super Hero Bounce because it is really fun. Anyways please comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

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