Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Club Penguin Igloos

Hey Cp fans some more things to show you like my igloo. I do have three of them and I enjoy them a lot. Here is one that Is very random and note that there is a Mailbox on the wall which was a glitch (there was a fireplace on the floor but sadly it went back to the wall).

My other igloo which is so far my tropical Igloo for the contest will look like this until I get the fruit items from the new igloo catalog.

Here is my last Igloo that costed me thousands of coins that is one of the coolest puffle bed designs I ever made and you guessed it, Its a Minecraft Creeper and If you don't Know what Minecraft is you can look it up on Google for the history of it.

Here is one that is in the actual Minecraft game.

In other news I saw a penguin today with a rare hat on that no one probably has ever seen for a long time check it out.

It is called The Tweed Hat which lasted from September 5, 2008 to February 6, 2009 and I hope Club Penguin will release this again because it looks cool and its hard to see. Plz comment below on this blog post and contact me if you want to. Thank you and I will talk to you later Cp fans.

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