Monday, May 27, 2013

Encuentren al Sensei! (Find the Sensei!)

Hey Gals and Guys, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post by Tato Maxx from the Spanish Club Penguin Blog about where Sensei can be found, check it out.

First here is the Spanish Version.

"Por Tato Maxx el 27 de mayo de 2013 - 11:05 am |"
"Ey, ninjas!!"

"Qué onda la fiesta del Card-jitsu Nieve? Para mí es genial!!! Di batalla a esos malvados luchadores de nieve pero todavía necesitamos más ninjas!"

"El Sensei está en la isla buscando explicaciones y ayudando a los ninjas a dominar el elemento Nieve. Y se filtraron algunos horarios de visitas para TODA esta semana… echen un vistazo:"

"Miércoles 29 de mayo:"

"05:00 AM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Aletas de Fuego"

"Jueves 30 de mayo:"

"11:00 AM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Huracán Ninja"

"Viernes 31 de mayo:"

"05:00 AM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Yeti"

"Sábado 1 de junio:"

"02:00 PM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Hechizo de Hada"

"Domingo  2 de junio:"

"01:00 PM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Amuleto Ninja"

"Espero que les sirvan y puedan encontrarlo para que les dé muy buenos consejos!!!"

"Nos vemos en la próxima ola! ;)"

"-El equipo de Club Penguin"

And here is the English Version.

"By Tato Maxx on May 27, 2013 - 11:05 a.m. |"

"Hey, ninjas!"

"What's up Party Card-Jitsu Snow? For me it's great! These evil Di wrestlers battle with snow but still need more ninjas!"

"The Sensei is on the island looking for explanations and helping to master the element ninjas Snow. And he leaked some visitation schedules for ALL this week ... take a look:"
"Wednesday, May 29"

"5:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) in Fire fins"

"Thursday, May 30"

"11:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) on Hurricane Ninja"

"Friday, May 31"

"5:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) to Yeti"

"Saturday, June 1"

"2:00 PM (Standard Time Club Penguin) in Fairy Spell"

"Sunday June 2"

"01:00 PM (Standard Time Club Penguin) in Ninja Amulet"

"I hope they serve and they can find to give them good advice!"

"See you in the next wave!;)"

"-The team of Club Penguin"

Pretty cool post huh? Are you glad that we have some more times put up to meeting Sensei? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

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