First here is the German Version.
"Von Federflink1 am 29. März 2013 - 12:35"
"Hey Leute,"
"der erste April steht vor der Tür und deshalb lade ich euch alle zum lustigen April-Spaß ein."

"Kommt am 1. April um 16:15 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit) mit eurem Puffle und in eurem witzigsten Aprilscherz-Outfit zur Bucht auf den Server Eiszeit!"
"Lasst uns zusammen bei einer lustigen Insel-Tour die Club Penguin Insel in den April schicken. Das wird ein Spaß! Ich freu mich auf euch."
"Flossenwinker-Grüße ;-)"
"Euer Federflink1"
"vom Club Penguin Team"
And here is the English Version.
"From Federflink1 on 29 March 2013 - 12:35"
"Hey guys,"
"April Fool's Day is coming up and that's why I call you all the fun April-fun."
"Come on April 1 at 16:15 clock (Central European Time) and with your Puffle in your funniest April Fool's outfit to the bay on the server ice age!"
"Let us together with a fun island tour the island of Club Penguin Send in April. This will be fun, I'm looking at you."
"Fins Winker Greetings;-)"
"Your Federflink1"
"From the Club Penguin Team"
Pretty cool post huh? I will try to be there since I am off school that day won't you? Also the other times are displayed here so I give Thanks for Trainman for these.
"Date: Monday, April 1st"
"Time: 16:15 (4:15 PM) Central European Time/3:15 PM in the UK/10:15 AM EST/7:15 AM PST"
"Server: Eiszeit (German server)"
"der erste April steht vor der Tür und deshalb lade ich euch alle zum lustigen April-Spaß ein."
"Kommt am 1. April um 16:15 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit) mit eurem Puffle und in eurem witzigsten Aprilscherz-Outfit zur Bucht auf den Server Eiszeit!"
"Lasst uns zusammen bei einer lustigen Insel-Tour die Club Penguin Insel in den April schicken. Das wird ein Spaß! Ich freu mich auf euch."
"Flossenwinker-Grüße ;-)"
"Euer Federflink1"
"vom Club Penguin Team"
And here is the English Version.
"From Federflink1 on 29 March 2013 - 12:35"
"Hey guys,"
"April Fool's Day is coming up and that's why I call you all the fun April-fun."
"Come on April 1 at 16:15 clock (Central European Time) and with your Puffle in your funniest April Fool's outfit to the bay on the server ice age!"
"Let us together with a fun island tour the island of Club Penguin Send in April. This will be fun, I'm looking at you."
"Fins Winker Greetings;-)"
"Your Federflink1"
"From the Club Penguin Team"
Pretty cool post huh? I will try to be there since I am off school that day won't you? Also the other times are displayed here so I give Thanks for Trainman for these.
Pretty cool though huh? Please comment below on your opinion of the meetup.
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