First here is the French Version.
Loustik005 le 16 mars 2013 à 03:03 pm |"
"Salut la banquise !"
"La Fête des Puffles n'a pas encore commencé mais la puffle-mania est déjà là ! Sur les habits, sur les cartes de joueurs, dans les igloos, en ville... les puffles sont partout ! Aussi, le spectacle de charité "Faites-Nous Rire" attire toujours du monde au Café ! Voici quelques looks qui montrent bien la tendance du moment :"

"Et vous, qu'est-ce que vous portez en ce moment ? Avez-vous des conseils de tenue à donner ? On se retrouve dans les commentaires pour échanger nos idées de styles !"
"À bientôt sur le blog... ou sur l'île ! ;-)"
And here is the English Version with the pictures of penguins translated as well.
"By Loustik005 March 16, 2013 at 03:03 pm |"
"Hi ice!"
"The Feast of Puffles has not yet started but the puffle-mania is here! Clothes on, the player cards in igloos in the city ... puffles are everywhere! Also, the charity show "Make Us Laugh" still attracts the world's Café! Here are some looks that clearly show the trend of the moment "
"Coutia: Sleeves rolled up give it a voluntary air! Fresh style with a touch of glamor!"
"Cynddu10: Red and green: winning these two colors follow him everywhere ... And all the time!"
"Raph1106: Two attitudes one penguin: the branch and domesticated! A large gap dares but trendy!"
"And you, what are you wearing right now? Have you held advice to give? See you in the comments to share our ideas of style!"
"See you on the blog or on the island ...;-)"
Pretty cool styles right? I wonder if anything else like these styles will come don't you think? Please comment below on your opinion of the new post.
"La Fête des Puffles n'a pas encore commencé mais la puffle-mania est déjà là ! Sur les habits, sur les cartes de joueurs, dans les igloos, en ville... les puffles sont partout ! Aussi, le spectacle de charité "Faites-Nous Rire" attire toujours du monde au Café ! Voici quelques looks qui montrent bien la tendance du moment :"
"Et vous, qu'est-ce que vous portez en ce moment ? Avez-vous des conseils de tenue à donner ? On se retrouve dans les commentaires pour échanger nos idées de styles !"
"À bientôt sur le blog... ou sur l'île ! ;-)"
And here is the English Version with the pictures of penguins translated as well.
"By Loustik005 March 16, 2013 at 03:03 pm |"
"Hi ice!"
"The Feast of Puffles has not yet started but the puffle-mania is here! Clothes on, the player cards in igloos in the city ... puffles are everywhere! Also, the charity show "Make Us Laugh" still attracts the world's Café! Here are some looks that clearly show the trend of the moment "
"Coutia: Sleeves rolled up give it a voluntary air! Fresh style with a touch of glamor!"
"Cynddu10: Red and green: winning these two colors follow him everywhere ... And all the time!"
"Raph1106: Two attitudes one penguin: the branch and domesticated! A large gap dares but trendy!"
"And you, what are you wearing right now? Have you held advice to give? See you in the comments to share our ideas of style!"
"See you on the blog or on the island ...;-)"
Pretty cool styles right? I wonder if anything else like these styles will come don't you think? Please comment below on your opinion of the new post.
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