"By Polo Field on March 1, 2013 - 08:03 am"
"Hello, Penguins!"
"ARRIVED time!! The moment we all hoped (that drum roll) ... The Beta test-Jitsu Snow has BEGUN!"
"Now you can enter the beta site to play Club Penguin prototype version of Jitsu Snow. There are still some details that need to be aligned in the game, ie, do not be surprised if you see something strange or different. That's why we need you!"
"The purpose of beta testing is to have as many players as possible and thus find (and fix) the largest number of bugs."
"These are a few bugs that we already know:"
"# 1062 - Error message of the banning moderator appears orange when most Players leave during the game - do not worry! You will not be banned!"
"# 1082 - Lack of automatic disconnection when the server in a battle - Make teams should take only 3 min. If you wait too long, click the X button and enter the game again."
"# 503 - Failure animation appears in the upper left in the game - This appears only on some computers, but does not affect the game."
"Thank you all for the help. Testing is the most important part of the game, and we are happy for you to be part of it!"
"And even more ... Pinguinando!"
"- Club Penguin Team"
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