Monday, June 30, 2014

Club Penguin EPF Spy Phone Message from Rookie June 26, 2014

Greetings Agents, Agent Crzypengu here with the latest updates. On Thursday a Brand New EPF Spy Phone Message was sent out from Rookie, check it out.

"JPG always says the EPF needs to stay in shape. So let's join the Penguin Cup! Yay baseball!"

Rookie needs to check his facts before sending out messages because the World Cup is based on Futbol or Soccer in English. If this was in real life a lot of people may be upset with him and that would not be good. Anyways what do you think of this Brand New EPF Spy Phone Message? Do you like it? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of the Brand New Update.

Club Penguin Newspaper Issue #453

Hello Penguins, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. I wanted to do some posts before I go out of town this week. That means I will not be posting until next week which I am still working on a couple things. In July I hope to do some more PSA Mission videos but anyways check out this weeks Newspaper.

Pretty cool Newspaper don't you think? Do you like it when there is a New Newspaper every week? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the Brand New Update.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Пингвин Недели! (Penguin of the Week!)

Hello Penguins, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today I am putting up a brand new post that was put up by the Russian Club Penguin Team which is one of the few times I have done, check it out.

First here is the Russian Version

"Автор: N/A , Июнь 25, 2014 - 03:06"
"Привет всем!"
"Со следующей недели команда "Клуба пингвинов" начнет выбирать Пингвина недели!"
Пингвин недели
"Пингвином недели может стать любой добрый, честный, любящий помогать другим и умеющий дружить пингвин."
"Если вы считаете, что ваш друг достоин стать Пингвином недели, вы можете номинировать его в комментариях."

"Для этого просто напишите в комментариях, почему вы считаете его достойным этой награды. Если ваше сообщение не помещается в комментарии, вы можете отправить его на почту , указав в теме письма "Пингвин недели"."
"Пингвин недели получит редкий подарочный фон, а фотография его пингвина и снежного домика будут опубликованы в блоге."
"Это не соревнование, а способ подчеркнуть главные ценности Клуба пингвинов - доброту, дружбу, честность и взаимопомощь. Мы с нетерпением ждём ваших номинаций и историй!"
"До встречи на острове!"
"Команда "Клуба пингвинов"
And here is the English Version.

"Author: N / A, June 25, 2014 - 3:06" 
"Hello everyone!" 
"Starting next week, the team of" Club Penguin "Penguin will begin to choose the week!" 
"Penguin of the week can be any kind, honest, loving and able to help other penguin friends." 
"If you think that your friend deserves to become Penguin weeks, you can nominate it in the comments." 
"To do this, simply write in the comments why you think it worthy of this award. If your message does not fit in the comments, you can send it by mail, using the subject line" Penguin weeks. "" 
"Penguin of the weeks will receive a rare gift background, and a picture of his penguin and igloo will be published in the blog." 
"It's not a competition, but a way to emphasize the core values ​​of the Club Penguin - kindness, friendship, honesty and mutual support. We look forward to receiving your nominations and stories!" 
"See you on the island!" 
"Team Club Penguin "
Pretty cool don't you think? I do understand that there is no picture yet so hopefully the Russian Club Penguin Team can fix that. What do you think of this post? I like to see on what the Russians are saying now don't you? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of the brand new post.

Pinguine im Rampenlicht: Fußball! (Penguins Spotlight: Football!)

Hey Guys and Gals, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today on the German Club Penguin Blog there was a brand new post, check it out.

First here is the German Version.

"Von Federflink1 am 25. Juni 2014 - 17:15"
"Hi Leute!"
"Heute habe ich ein Interview mit zwei Spielern der Fluffys gemacht. (Ich mag die Farbe Gelb einfach ;-) )"
"Federflink1: Welche Position spielt ihr?"
"Nick27145: Sturm natürlich"
"Denis12341: Stürmer!"
"Federflink1: Gewinnt ihr viele Spiele?"
"Nick27145: Naja nicht so oft… Die Aliens wollen uns überholen!"
"Denis12341: Ich finde es schade, dass wir auf Platz drei sind."
"Federflink1:  Wer ist euer größter Feind?"
"Nick27145: Die Haie. Sie haben viele gute Spieler."
"Federflink1: Was mögt ihr an eurem Team?"
"Denis12341: Dass wir Fische sind! Ich mag Fische!"
"Nick27145: Wir haben ein cooles Trainingslager."

"Federflink1: Gibt es bei euch nur gelbes Essen?"
"Denis12341: Ja! Chips, Mais…"
"Mama Susi: Fisch! Äpfel!"
"Federflink1: Die Fische essen Fisch? BOAH! Und was trinkt ihr so?"
"Nick27145: Limonade"
"Denis12341: Senf!"
"Federflink1: Ihh Senf zum Trinken!? :D Hey, da hat sich einer vom blauen Team reingeschlichen. Was ist euer Geheimnis zum Sieg?"
"Master Justi: Blau ist die Lieblingsfarbe aller Pinguine!"
"Federflink1: Fluffys, was wollt ihr euren Fans ausrichten?"
"Nick27145: Ehm, dass wir sie lieben."
"Denis12341: Wir werden den Cup holen!"
"Denkt ihr die Fluffys können noch aufsteigen? Hinterlasst dazu einen Kommentar!"
"Flossenwinker-Grüße! ;-)"
"Euer Federflink1"
"vom Club Penguin Team"
And here is the English Version.

"By Federflink1 on June 25, 2014 - 17:15" 
"Hi people!" 
"Today I did an interview with two players in the cat carrier. (I like the color yellow simple;-))" 
"Federflink1: What position do you play?" 
"Nick27145: Striker course" 
"Denis12341: Forward!" 
"Federflink1: Wins her many games?" 
"Nick27145: Well not so often ... The aliens want to overtake us!" 
"Denis12341: I find it a shame that we are at number three." 
"Federflink1: Who is your greatest enemy?" 
"Nick27145. Sharks They have many good players." 
"Federflink1: What do you like about your team?" 
"Denis12341: That we are fish I like fish!" 
"Nick27145: We have a cool training camp." 
"Federflink1: Is there among you only yellow food?" 
"Denis12341: Yes chips, corn ..." 
"Mama Susi: Fish apples!" 
"Federflink1: The fish eat fish BOAH And what you drink so??" 
"Nick27145: Lemonade" 
"Denis12341: Mustard!" 
"Federflink1: Ihh mustard to drink:? D Hey, there has been a sneaked from the blue team What is your secret to victory.?" 
"Master Justi: Blue is the favorite color of all the penguins!" 
"Federflink1: Fluffy's what you want to align your fans?" 
"Nick27145: Ehm, that we love them." 
"Denis12341: We will win the Cup!" 
"Do you think the cat carrier can still ascend? Just leave a comment to!" 
"Fins Winker Greetings!;-)" 
"Your Federflink1" 
"The Club Penguin Team"
Pretty interesting conversation don't you think? Do you like these type of meetups? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of the brand new post.

Coupe Club Penguin : recette pour sportifs (Club Penguin Cup: Recipe for sports

Hey Gals and Guys, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today a brand New Post was put up in the French Blog and like all other Languages I will put the original first and then the English Version, check it out.

First here is the French Version.

"Par Loustik005 le 25 juin 2014 à 10:06 am"
"Salut les sportifs !"
"Pour réussir ses matchs de la Coupe Club Penguin, il faut bien se préparer. Et l'alimentation fait partie d'une bonne préparation. Avec l'équipe, on a essayé une recette : des ballons énergétiques pour pingouins sportifs !"
"Après avoir dévoré l'assiette (mais surtout les ballons :-)), on a joué au mini-jeux des tirs aux buts. Et on a mis des buts qui ont cloué les gardiens sur place et troué les filets ! Même notre puffle orange a marqué des buts qui sont partis comme une fusée !"
"Voici la recette si ça vous dit de l'essayer :"
"Avertissement : cette recette doit être faite sous la supervision d'un parent."
"Ustensiles de cuisine : 1 robot ménager à lame pour hacher finement tous les ingrédients, 1 balance pour peser les ingrédients, 1 bol pour tout mélanger."
"Ingrédients :"
  • "1 tasse de noix de cajou"
  • "½ tasse  de dates"
  • "½ tasse de raisins secs"
  • "Un petit bol de noix de coco râpée"
"Parfum au choix : soit 5 framboises/ ou 1 petite cuillère de cannelle + une cuillère à soupe de pomme râpée/ ou une cuillère à café de zeste d’orange et une cuillère de chocolat en poudre sans sucre / ou une cuillère de zeste de citron"
"Préparation : Mets les dates à tremper dans un peu d’eau chaude pour les ramollir. Pendant ce temps ajoute les noix de cajou dans le mixer (sous la surveillance d’un adulte). Mixe les jusqu’à ce qu’elle soient grossièrement broyées, donc pas longtemps. Verse les dans le bol. Mixe les raisins secs et les dates égouttées. Ajoute ton parfum : soit la portion de fruits, les épices, le chocolat ou les zestes . Verse les fruits dans le bol contenant les noix de cajou et mélange jusqu’à obtenir une pâte épaisse. Mets le tout au réfrigérateur pendant 20 minutes. Verse la noix de coco râpée dans un petit bol. Sors le mélange noix et fruits du frigo. Prends une bonne cuillère à soupe de la préparation et forme une petit ‘ ballon’ de foot entre les paumes de tes mains (propres, héhé). Roule ensuite ton petit ballon de foot dans la noix de coco. Répète l'opération jusqu’à n'avoir plus de pâte. Place tes ballons sur une assiette et mets le tout au frigo."
"Attends le temps d’un match de foot, et tes ballons seront prêts pour la dégustation ! Sers tes ballons à ton équipe ! Bon appétit !"
"ps : cette recette convient aussi aux arbitres, aux entraîneurs et aux supporters ! ;-)"
"Loustik005 ;-)"
And here is the English Version
"By Loustik005 June 25, 2014 at 10:06 am" 
"Hi sports penguins!" 
"To succeed his matches of Club Penguin Cup, we must prepare and food is a good preparation with the team, we tried a recipe..! Energy balls sports penguins" 
"After devouring the plate (but mostly balloons :-)), we played mini-games penalty shootout. And we set goals that nailed guards on site and holed nets! Even our puffle orange scored goals which left like a rocket! "
"Here's the recipe if it tells you to try" 
"Warning: This recipe must be made under the supervision of a parent." 
"Kitchenware: 1 food processor blade to finely chop all the ingredients, one scale to weigh ingredients, 1 bowl to mix everything." 
"1 cup cashews" 
"½ cup dates" 
"½ cup raisins" 
"A small bowl of shredded coconut" 
"Scent choice: either 5 raspberries / or 1 teaspoon cinnamon + a tablespoon of grated apple / or a teaspoon of orange zest and a tablespoon of chocolate powder without sugar / spoon or peel lemon "
"Preparation: Put the dates to soak in a little warm water to soften Meanwhile add the cashews in a blender (under adult supervision) Mixes until they are.. coarsely ground, so no long Verse in the bowl Mix raisins and dates drained Put your perfume.... the portion of fruits, spices, chocolate and zest Pour the fruit in the bowl of nuts cashews and mix until you get a thick paste. Mets in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Pour the grated coconut in a small bowl. Sors the nut and fruit mixture from the fridge. Take a good tablespoon of preparation and forms a small 'ball' football between the palms of your hands (clean, hehe). Roule then your little soccer ball in coconut. Repeat the process until have no more dough. Place your balls on a plate and put in a fridge. "
"Wait time for a football game, and your balls will be ready for tasting! Serve your balls to your team! Bon appétit!" 
"PS: this recipe is also suitable for referees, coaches and supporters;-)!" 
Pretty neat post don't you think? Will you be trying out this recipe? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of the brand new post.

SNEAK PEEK: UK Magazine #32!

What is up Everybody, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today on the Club Penguin Blog a Brand New post was put up by Daffodaily5 about the UK Club Penguin Magazine, check it out.

"By Daffodaily5 on June 25, 2014 - 09:15"
"I can't believe it's been a month since the last issue of the UK mag came out, can you?! Well it's that time again, so I thought I'd give you all an EXCLUSIVE sneak peek at what's in store this month..."
"This month is aaaaall about music, dancing and partying! There's a mega feature with Cadence about dance music style, a totally brill reversible double page poster of the Penguin Band and Cadence, plus all the usual comics, puzzles and gifts. My personal fave from this month's issue is the 2nd edition of Puffle Fact Files, which gives a great profile of the one and only, Dubstep Puffle! Check it out! :)"
"The brand new issue of the UK mag is available tomorrow, June 26th! What are you looking forward to seeing in this issue? Let me know what your fave section is in the comments!"
"-Club Penguin Team"
Pretty cool post don't you think? I have not been blogging like I used to a year ago and I hope to change that. I really want to finish the PSA Mission videos as I need to record again. It takes a while but I hope to finish it by the end of this summer. Anyways what do you think of the New Post? Do you like to read the Club Penguin Magazine or do you want it to come to your country? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of the brand new Club Penguin Post.

Club Penguin EPF Spy Phone Message from Jet Pack Guy June 19, 2014

Greetings Agents, Agent Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Last Thursday a Brand New EPF Spy Phone Message was released, check it out.

"If you help with G's experiments at HQ, keep explosions to a minimum."

Pretty good to know that Jet Pack Guy is telling us not to have many Explosives as we do not want to destroy the Island.

Club Penguin EPF Spy Phone from Gary June 12, 2014

Greetings Agents, Agent Crzypengu here with the latest updates. About two weeks ago a Brand New EPF Spy Phone Message was released from Gary, check it out.

"Thanks to those agents that defeated Protobot. I'm going to analyze his parts at HQ. They're very advanced."

Pretty cool Message don't you think? Do you like this EPF Message? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of this EPF Message.

Club Penguin Newspaper Issue #452

Hello Penguins, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Last Thursday a Brand New Newspaper was released, check it out.

Pretty cool Newspaper don't you think? Do you like the Penguin Cup Party? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of the Brand New Newspaper.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Club Penguin Penguin Cup 2014 Cheats

Hey Everyone, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today a Brand New Party was put up on the Club Penguin Island, check it out.

Pretty cool party don't you think? Do you like the New Party that Club Penguin released? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the Brand New Penguin Cup Party.

Update: I forgot to mention this in the video but if you wear the Soccer Ball and click 'D' then you can challenge another penguin to a soccer match. Also Members can wear power shoes that can give them a boost with in that Mini-Game.

Club Penguin Newspaper Issue #451

Hey Penguins, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Last week a Brand New Newspaper was released, check it out.

Pretty cool Newspaper don't you think? Do you like to know what happens on the Island? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of this Newspaper.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Club Penguin Igloo and Furniture Catalog June 2014

Hello Gals and Guys, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. A couple days ago a Brand New Igloo and Furniture Catalog was released, check it out.

Click on the Bookshelf to get the Funky Bookshelf Secret and click on the Green Chair to get the Scoop Chair Secret.

Click on the Multi-Ball to get the Portal Box Secret.

Click on the Rocketship Lava Lamp to get the Crystals Secret.

Click on the UFO to get the Swamp Slime Secret.

Click on the Spaceship to get the Laser Lights Secret.

Click on the Sunny Sky Floor to get the Terracotta Tile and click in the middle of the page to get the Puffle Stage Secret.

Click on the Rock on the Right Side of the Beach location to get the Secret Stone Igloo Secret.

Pretty cool Catalog don't you think? Do you like how there is going to be a World Cup themed party this month? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of the Brand New Igloo and Furniture Catalog.