Here is the Spanish Version.
Federflink1 am 18. Januar 2013 - 6:09 |"
"Hey Leute,"
"habt ihr Gary den Geräte-Guru schon gesehen? Unser Erfinder-Pinguin watschelt während der Urzeit-Party über die gesamte Insel. Er leitet die Untersuchungen an Urzeit-Pinguinen und Dinos … und auch das Wegrennen von Dinos! ;-)"

"Hier habe ich wieder ein paar Zeiten und Server, die euch dabei helfen, Gary aufzuspüren:"
"21. Januar 17:00 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Iglu"
"23. Januar 16:00 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Lawine"
"25. Januar 17:15 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Gletscher"
"28. Januar 15:30 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Handschuhe"
"30. Januar 16:30 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Schneeflocke"
"Haltet gut Ausschau nach Gary und sagt mir, wenn ihr ihn getroffen habt. Viel Spaß!
"Euer Federflink1"
"vom Club Penguin Team"
And here is the English Version.
"Federflink1 of 18 January 2013 - 6:09 |"
"Hey people,"
"Have you seen Gary Device Guru already? Our inventive penguin waddles during the prehistoric party over the entire island. He directs the studies of prehistoric penguins and dinosaurs ... and also running away from dinosaurs! ;-)"
"Here I have a few more times and servers that can help you identify and locate Gary"
"21st Clock January 17:00 (Central European Time), server igloo"
"23rd Clock January 16:00 (Central European Time), server avalanche"
"25th January clock 17:15 (Central European Time), server glacier"
"28th January clock 15:30 (Central European Time), Server Gloves"
"30th January clock 16:30 (Central European Time), server snowflake"
"Keep good eye out for Gary and tell me if you met him. Have fun!"
"Fins Winker Greetings"
"Your Federflink1"
"from Club Penguin Team"
Thanks Federflink1 for the Update. Now I wished I would have put this up earlier because I missed the English Servers today but anyways you can look for Gary I believe starting Tomorrow and the other dates. That is it for today, See yah later Cp Fans.
"habt ihr Gary den Geräte-Guru schon gesehen? Unser Erfinder-Pinguin watschelt während der Urzeit-Party über die gesamte Insel. Er leitet die Untersuchungen an Urzeit-Pinguinen und Dinos … und auch das Wegrennen von Dinos! ;-)"
"Hier habe ich wieder ein paar Zeiten und Server, die euch dabei helfen, Gary aufzuspüren:"
"21. Januar 17:00 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Iglu"
"23. Januar 16:00 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Lawine"
"25. Januar 17:15 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Gletscher"
"28. Januar 15:30 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Handschuhe"
"30. Januar 16:30 Uhr (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Schneeflocke"
"Haltet gut Ausschau nach Gary und sagt mir, wenn ihr ihn getroffen habt. Viel Spaß!
"Euer Federflink1"
"vom Club Penguin Team"
And here is the English Version.
"Federflink1 of 18 January 2013 - 6:09 |"
"Hey people,"
"Have you seen Gary Device Guru already? Our inventive penguin waddles during the prehistoric party over the entire island. He directs the studies of prehistoric penguins and dinosaurs ... and also running away from dinosaurs! ;-)"
"Here I have a few more times and servers that can help you identify and locate Gary"
"21st Clock January 17:00 (Central European Time), server igloo"
"23rd Clock January 16:00 (Central European Time), server avalanche"
"25th January clock 17:15 (Central European Time), server glacier"
"28th January clock 15:30 (Central European Time), Server Gloves"
"30th January clock 16:30 (Central European Time), server snowflake"
"Keep good eye out for Gary and tell me if you met him. Have fun!"
"Fins Winker Greetings"
"Your Federflink1"
"from Club Penguin Team"
Thanks Federflink1 for the Update. Now I wished I would have put this up earlier because I missed the English Servers today but anyways you can look for Gary I believe starting Tomorrow and the other dates. That is it for today, See yah later Cp Fans.
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