Here is the Portuguese version.
"Por Polo Field em 23 de Janeiro de 2013 - 07:01 am |"
"Olá, Pinguins!"
"Um novo mês está quase chegando e isto significa que novos estilos vão invadir a ilha! Vejam esta espiada na capa do catálogo de fevereiro:"

"O que achou? Conte nos comentários!"
"- Equipe do Club Penguin"
Here is the Spanish version.
"Um novo mês está quase chegando e isto significa que novos estilos vão invadir a ilha! Vejam esta espiada na capa do catálogo de fevereiro:"
"O que achou? Conte nos comentários!"
"- Equipe do Club Penguin"
Here is the Spanish version.
"Por Polo Field el 23 de Enero de 2013 - 03:01 pm |"
"¡Hola a todos!"
"El mes de febrero está a punto de comenzar, lo que significa... ¡nuevos estilos!"
"Aquí va un adelanto de lo que se viene:"

"¿Qué les parece?"
"¿Se vestirán con estas tendencias extremas?"
"¡Sigan pingüineando!"
"-El Equipo de Club Penguin"
Here is the German version.
"Von Polo Field am 23. Januar 2013 - 11:38 |"
"Hallo Pinguine,"
"El mes de febrero está a punto de comenzar, lo que significa... ¡nuevos estilos!"
"Aquí va un adelanto de lo que se viene:"
"¿Qué les parece?"
"¿Se vestirán con estas tendencias extremas?"
"¡Sigan pingüineando!"
"-El Equipo de Club Penguin"
Here is the German version.
"Von Polo Field am 23. Januar 2013 - 11:38 |"
"Hallo Pinguine,"
"ein neuer Monat kommt bald um die Ecke, das bedeutet: Die neuen Styles sind fast da!"
"Hier seht ihr eine Vorschau der Februar-Mode:"

"Was haltet ihr davon? Werden eure Pinguine diesen wilden Style rocken?"
"Frohes Watscheln!"
"Polo Field"
"vom Club Penguin Team"
And here is the English version.
"By Polo Field on 23 January 2013 - 11:38 |"
"Hello penguins,"
"A new month is coming soon around the corner, which means the new styles are almost there!"
"Here you can see a preview of the February fashion:"
"What do you think? Penguins are your rock these wild style?"
"Happy waddle!"
"Polo Field"
"from Club Penguin Team"
I hope these costumes will be as cool as they seem to be, don't you? Also I do wish the penguins will go to their original look don't you? Please comment below in the comments tab about your opinion of the new catalog coming soon.
"Hier seht ihr eine Vorschau der Februar-Mode:"
"Was haltet ihr davon? Werden eure Pinguine diesen wilden Style rocken?"
"Frohes Watscheln!"
"Polo Field"
"vom Club Penguin Team"
And here is the English version.
"By Polo Field on 23 January 2013 - 11:38 |"
"Hello penguins,"
"A new month is coming soon around the corner, which means the new styles are almost there!"
"Here you can see a preview of the February fashion:"
"What do you think? Penguins are your rock these wild style?"
"Happy waddle!"
"Polo Field"
"from Club Penguin Team"
I hope these costumes will be as cool as they seem to be, don't you? Also I do wish the penguins will go to their original look don't you? Please comment below in the comments tab about your opinion of the new catalog coming soon.
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