"Hi, penguins!"
"Rosie0228 was nominated to be Penguin of the Week by, Elena 37!"
"Here is their nomination:"
"I will like to nominate my best friend ever, Rosie0228. Every time I'm with Rosie, I just feel like ANYTHING is possible. She means a lot to me and all he friends! A day with out Rosie0228 is a day without sunshine! Everyone who has met her would that she is SO sweet and an amazing friend"
"Congrats, Rosie0228!"
"Want to nominate a friend for Penguin of the Week? Leave a comment telling us why! Each Penguin of the Week receives 10,000 coins and the POTW Background."
"Waddle on!"
"-Club Penguin Team"
Congratulations Roise0228 for being the penguin of the week. Anyways what do you all think of this blog post? Is there any penguin you want to nominate for a Penguin of the week or not so much? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below and more blog posts will be coming soon.