Thursday, May 30, 2013

Penguin of the Day: Neon Rose

Hello Club Penguin Fans, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post on the Club Penguin Blog about todays penguin of the week, check it out.

"By Daffodaily5 on May 30, 2013 - 05:10"

"Psst! Only EPF can read this post!.. Neon Rose has been doing a brill job as an EPF Agent looking out for other penguins – and puffles - on the Island. Keep up the good work, Agent! Great disguise too!"
"Go to the Contact Us page to let us know why your buddy should be PotD!"


"-Club Penguin Team"
Pretty cool post huh? Are you glad that this is todays Penguin of the Day. I hope to put up Penguins of the week again next week and maybe a new poll up. Anyways please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Club Penguin and... Pixar!

Hello everyone, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post on the club penguin blog about next months party, check it.

"By Polo Field on May 30, 2013 - 00:06"
"I have some VERY exciting news to share with everyone... We're partnering with Pixar for a brand NEW party... the first-ever Disney Pixar Monsters University Takeover!"
"Ever since Club Penguin started, we've been HUGE fans of Pixar. We've always looked up to their brilliant creative team, and we dreamed that one day we'd get to work with them."
"Well, that day has arrived! Prepare to scare..."
"We can't wait to share the scary-awesome stuff we've got planned. Stay tuned to the blog for more updates!"
"Waddle On!"
"-Club Penguin Team"
Pretty neat post huh? However I am not looking forward for another ad Party so it won't be so much entertaining to me. Please leave a comment below on your opinion of this ad Party.

Club Penguin Snow Shuriken Pin Cheats May 30, 2013

Hello Club Penguin Fans, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new pin on the Club Penguin Island which is the Snow Shuriken Pin in the Ski Village, check it out.

"You have found a Snow Shuriken Pin. Would you like to pick it up?" I would like a new pin so yes.

Pretty cool pin huh? Do you think the party is going well? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new pin.

Club Penguin Spy Phone Message from Dot May 30, 2013

Hello Agents, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new message from Dot on the Spy Phone, check it out.

"Great to see so many agents doing Spy Drills. Kudos you guys. And now that you've banked some medals, reward yourself. Elite gear!"

Pretty neat message huh? Do you like the message from Dot? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new message.

Club Penguin Newspaper Issue #397

Hey Cp fans, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today we have a Brand New Newspaper which is issue #397, check it out.

Pretty cool Newspaper huh? Do you think the Card Jitsu Snow Party is fun? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of this new update.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Snow Saga

Hello Ninjas, Ninja Master Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today I have a brand new video for you penguins about the Card-Jitsu Snow Saga, check it out.

Pretty cool video huh? Do you think that Card Jitsu Snow is awesome? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of this video.

Reviewed by You: Card-Jitsu Snow

Hey Ninjas, Ninja Master Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today we have yet another brand new post on the Club Penguin Blog, check it out.

"By Polo Field on May 29, 2013 - 12:39 |"

"Hello Penguins,"

"Last week we asked, what would your ultimate spy gadget be?"

"Awesomeguy27's answer was...well...awesome!"

"What I think would be the ultimate spy gadget would contain everything our current one has, and some other things. First, it would have an extended notification system. For example, if a penguin needed help, it would show up on the screen. We could teleport to that penguin immediately and help them. Second an emergency first aid kit to help me as well as other penguins in case of an injury. Finally, a fully stocked fridge. Come on, some people get hungry on important missions! ;)

"A fully stocked fridge would be epic! We all know that food is the greatest fuel for a top agent."

"With the Card-Jitsu Snow party in full swing, we would like to know. What has been your best Card-Jitsu Snow strategy so far? Leave your comments below (50-75 words, please!)"

"We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins!"

"Waddle On!"

"-Club Penguin Team"

Pretty awesome post huh? Will you be commenting about this on the blog? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of the brand new post.

Penguin of the Day: Sallyicy

Hello Club Penguin Fans, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post about todays penguin of the day, check it out.

"By Daffodaily5 on May 29, 2013 - 11:18 |"


"Sallyicy is friendly, kind and an ace friend to all; what a star! To top it off she has an amazing igloo (love the garden!) and one of the coolest player cards I’ve seen. Snow-Ninja Wizard = EPIC!"

"Contact us and tell the team why your buddy should be Penguin of the Day!"


"-Club Penguin Team"

Pretty cool post huh? Are you glad about todays penguin? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

What's New in June

Hello Club Penguin Fans, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Yesterday a brand new post was put up on the Club Penguin Blog, check it out.

"By Polo Field on May 28, 2013 - 09:59 |"

"There is going to be a HUGE new party coming up, can you guess what it's going to be from these clues?"

"Post your ideas in the comments!"

"-Club Penguin Team"

So what do you think of the new post? I am hoping that the party will just be original and not an ad based party don't you? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Encontre o Sensei! (Find Sensei!)

Hello Everyone, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post on the Portuguese Club Penguin Blog by Polo Field on where to find Sensei, check it out.

First here is the Portuguese Version.

"Por Polo Field em 27 de Maio de 2013 - 09:05 am |"


"E aí, todo mundo online?"

"O Desafio Ninja Neve está mesmo irado! Do que vocês estão gostando mais?"

"A Equipe preparou mais alguns horários para que vocês possam encontrar o Sensei!"

"Sigam o HORÁRIO OFICIAL DO CLUB PENGUIN, que vocês encontram no Forte Nevado!"

"Anotem aí:"
  • "Dia 27 de Maio, Segunda-feira:"
    • "6:00 AM, no Aurora Boreal;"
    • "7:00 AM, no Bloco de Gelo;"
    • "8:45 AM, no Cristal de Gelo;"
    • "13:15 PM, no Ventania."
  • "Dia 28 de Maio, Terça-Feira:"
    • "4:45 AM, no Estalactite;"
    • "7:00 AM, no Avalanche;"
    • "13:30 PM, no Granizo;"
    • "14:45 PM, no Friaca;"
  • "Dia 29 de Maio, Quarta-feira:"
    • "5:30 AM, no Frapê;"
    • "7:30 AM, no Pizza Fria;"
    • "9:30 AM, no Mamute;"
    • "13:30 PM, no Boreal;"
  • "Dia 30 de Maio, Quinta-Feira:"
    • "6:30 AM, no Montanha Nevada;"
    • "8:30 AM, no Picolé;"
    • "11:15 PM, no Meias de Lã;"
  • "Dia 31 de Maio, Sexta-Feira:"
    • "5:30 AM, no Zero Grau;"
    • "7:20 AM, no Freezer;"
    • "10:30 AM, no Pólo Sul;"
    • "13:05 PM, no Avalanche;"
  • "Dia 1 de Junho, Sábado:"
    • "9:00 AM, no Torta de Atum;"
    • "11:30 AM, no Pororoca Polar;"
    • "13:05 PM, no Deu Branco;"
  • "Dia 2 de Junho, Domingo:"
    • "9:00 AM, no Neblina;"
    • "10:00 AM, no Inverno;"
    • "11:30 AM, no Zero Grau;"
  • "Dia 3 de Junho, Segunda-Feira:"
    • "4:45 AM, no Sibéria;"
    • "7:00 AM, no Boreal;"
    • "11:00 AM, no Sundae;"
    • "13:15 PM, no Frapê;"
  • "Dia 4 de Junho, Terça-Feira:"
    • "6:30 AM, no Avalanche;"
    • "10:45 AM, no Tudo Branco;"
    • "12:00, no Tundra;"
    • "13:45 PM, no Freezer;"
  • "Dia 5 de Junho, Quarta-Feira:"
    • "4:30 AM, no Deu Branco;"
    • "7:15 AM, no Cordilheira;"
    • "11:00 AM, no Geladeira;"
    • "13:45 PM, no Friaca."
"Gajotz, OFFLINE!"

And here is the English Version.

"By Polo Field on May 27, 2013 - 9:05 am |"

"And then everyone online?"
"The Card-Jitsu Snow is just awesome! What are you enjoying most?"
"The team prepared a few hours so you can find the Sensei!"
"Follow TIME OFFICIAL CLUB PENGUIN, you are at the Snow Forts!"
"Take note there:"

"Day May 27, Monday:"
"6:00 AM, the Aurora Borealis;"
"7:00 AM, Block Ice;"
"8:45 AM in Crystal Ice;"
"13:15 PM in Gale."

"Day May 28, Tuesday:"
"4:45 AM, the stalactite;"
"7:00 AM, the Avalanche;"
"13:30 PM in Hail;"
"14:45 PM in Friaça;"

"Day May 29, Wednesday:"
"5:30 AM, in Frappe;"
"7:30 AM on Cold Pizza;"
"9:30 AM in Mammoth;"
"13:30 PM in Boreal;"

"Day May 30, Thursday:"
"6:30 AM in Nevada Mountain;"
"8:30 AM, the Popsicle;"
"11:15 PM in Socks Wool;"

"Day May 31, Friday:"
"5:30 AM, the Zero Degree;"
"7:20 AM in Freezer;"
"10:30 AM, at the South Pole;"
"13:05 PM in Avalanche;"

"Day 1 Saturday, June '
"9:00 AM in Pie Tuna;"
"11:30 AM on Pororoca Polar;"
"13:05 AM, White gave in;"

"Day June 2, Sunday:"
"9:00 AM, the fog;"
"10:00 PM in winter;"
"11:30 AM at Zero Degree;"

"Day June 3, Monday:"
"4:45 AM, in Siberia;"
"7:00 AM, the Boreal;"
"11:00 AM on Sundae;"
"13:15 PM in Frappe;"

"Day June 4, Tuesday:"
"6:30 AM, the Avalanche;"
"10:45 AM in All White;"
"12:00 on Tundra;"
"13:45 PM in Freezer;"

"Day June 5, Wednesday:" "4:30 AM, White gave in;"
"7:15 AM, the Cordillera;"
"11:00 AM, in the refrigerator;"
"13:45 PM in Friaça."

"Gajotz, OFFLINE!"

Pretty cool post huh? Are you glad that we can meet Sensei now? Please leave a comment below on your thoughts of the brand new post.

Bugs Conhecidos: Desafio Ninja Neve (Known Bugs:-Jitsu Snow)

Hello Guys and Gals, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today we have a new post on the Portuguese Club Penguin Blog by Gajotz about some bugs found on Card Jitsu Snow, check it out.

First here is the Portuguese Version.

"Por Gajotz em 27 de Maio de 2013 - 04:05 pm |"


"Obrigado por todos os comentários que enviaram sobre o Desafio Ninja Neve! A equipe esta trabalhando dia e noite para que o jogo fique ainda mais UltraSuperBacana, e com menos bugs!"

"Aqui estão alguns dos bugs em que a equipe está trabalhando:"

  • "#10533 – Os jogadores ficam presos na tela de carregamento do jogo."
  • "#10648 – Ao entrar no jogo, a tela fica preta para alguns jogadores."
  • "#10654 – Ao escolher um dos ninjas (Neve/Fogo/Água) o jogadores recebe uma mensagem de erro."
"Continuem reportando todos os bugs que encontrarem!"


And here is the English Version.

"By Gajotz on May 27, 2013 - 4:05 pm |"

"Thanks for all the comments you sent over Jitsu Snow! Team is working day and night so that the game becomes even more UltraSuperBacana, and with less bugs!"
"Here are some of the bugs that the team is working:"
"# 10533 - The players get stuck on the loading screen of the game."
"# 10648 - Entering the game, the screen goes black for a few players."
"# 10654 - When choosing one of the ninjas (Snow / Fire / Water) the players receive an error message."

"Keep reporting all the bugs you find!"

Pretty cool post huh? Are you glad they will fix up these bugs soon? Please leaves a comment on your opinion of the brand new post.

Encuentren al Sensei! (Find the Sensei!)

Hey Gals and Guys, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post by Tato Maxx from the Spanish Club Penguin Blog about where Sensei can be found, check it out.

First here is the Spanish Version.

"Por Tato Maxx el 27 de mayo de 2013 - 11:05 am |"
"Ey, ninjas!!"

"Qué onda la fiesta del Card-jitsu Nieve? Para mí es genial!!! Di batalla a esos malvados luchadores de nieve pero todavía necesitamos más ninjas!"

"El Sensei está en la isla buscando explicaciones y ayudando a los ninjas a dominar el elemento Nieve. Y se filtraron algunos horarios de visitas para TODA esta semana… echen un vistazo:"

"Miércoles 29 de mayo:"

"05:00 AM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Aletas de Fuego"

"Jueves 30 de mayo:"

"11:00 AM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Huracán Ninja"

"Viernes 31 de mayo:"

"05:00 AM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Yeti"

"Sábado 1 de junio:"

"02:00 PM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Hechizo de Hada"

"Domingo  2 de junio:"

"01:00 PM (Hora Oficial de Club Penguin) en Amuleto Ninja"

"Espero que les sirvan y puedan encontrarlo para que les dé muy buenos consejos!!!"

"Nos vemos en la próxima ola! ;)"

"-El equipo de Club Penguin"

And here is the English Version.

"By Tato Maxx on May 27, 2013 - 11:05 a.m. |"

"Hey, ninjas!"

"What's up Party Card-Jitsu Snow? For me it's great! These evil Di wrestlers battle with snow but still need more ninjas!"

"The Sensei is on the island looking for explanations and helping to master the element ninjas Snow. And he leaked some visitation schedules for ALL this week ... take a look:"
"Wednesday, May 29"

"5:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) in Fire fins"

"Thursday, May 30"

"11:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) on Hurricane Ninja"

"Friday, May 31"

"5:00 a.m. (Club Penguin Standard Time) to Yeti"

"Saturday, June 1"

"2:00 PM (Standard Time Club Penguin) in Fairy Spell"

"Sunday June 2"

"01:00 PM (Standard Time Club Penguin) in Ninja Amulet"

"I hope they serve and they can find to give them good advice!"

"See you in the next wave!;)"

"-The team of Club Penguin"

Pretty cool post huh? Are you glad that we have some more times put up to meeting Sensei? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Penguin of the Day: Jewel7920

Hello Club Penguin Fans, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Since this is the second day of the week which is Monday, there is a brand new featured penguin today, check it out.

"By Daffodaily5 on May 27, 2013 - 17:49 |"

"The team and I were very happy to hear that today’s nomination, Jewel7920, has been a real star
with helping out her local community! Double thumbs up to you!"

"Keep your nominations flowing to!"

"-Club Penguin Team"

Pretty cool post huh? Do you think todays featured penguin is awesome? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

What's New in Club Penguin for Summer 2013!

Hello Everyone, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post on Club Penguin hinting some things that may happen over the summer, check it out.

"By Spike Hike on May 27, 2013 - 14:24 |"

"Hello Penguins!"

"I hope everyone is as excited about Card-Jitsu Snow and the Card-Jitsu Party as I am!"

"I want to let you all know that it's the kick-off of an AMAZING summer we have planned!"

"The team has some HUGE surprises for you! We have not one.... Not two… But THREE ALL-NEW parties over the next three months!! We will take you to new places… new worlds… even new dimensions no penguin has ever seen!!"

"And thanks again to everyone who helped make "My Penguin" a top iPad app around the world! We have even more planned for it, too!! I'm sworn to secrecy, but let me say that we will refuel a classic Club Penguin game... And we will bring even more to mobile that will make you feel right at home."

"Stay tuned for more updates here on the blog!"

"Until then... Waddle On!"

"-Club Penguin Team"

Pretty cool post huh? What do you think this summer stores for us penguins? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Rencontrez Sensei ! (Meet Sensei!)

Hello Ninjas of Club Penguin, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post on the French Club Penguin Blog, check it out.

First here is the French Version.

"Par Loustik005 le 24 mai 2013 à 10:05 am |"

"Salut les ninjas !"

"Le temps est venu pour nous de rencontrer LE maître en art ancien de Card-Jitsu : Sensei ! J'ai trouvé sous un tas de neige les heures de ses prochaines visites :"

"Vendredi 24 mai :"

"JOUR DE NEIGE – 15H00 en France (9H00 au Québec)"

"Samedi 25 mai :"

"MOUSQUETON – 12H30 en France (6H30 au Québec)"

"JOUR DE NEIGE – 16H00 en France (10H00 au Québec)"

"Lundi 27 mai :"

"YETI – 17H30 en France (11H30 au Québec)"

"Mardi 28 mai :"

"YETI – 16H30 en France (10H30 au Québec)"
"Sensei peut aussi passer à tout moment sur n'importe quel serveur ! Alors gardez l'œil ouvert et vos ceintures de Card-Jitsu bien serrées ! :-)"

"À bientôt sur le blog... ou sur l'île !"

"Ninja Loustik005"

And here is the English Version.

"For Loustik005 May 24, 2013 at 10:05 am |"

"Hi ninjas!"

"The time has come for us to meet THE master ancient art of Card-Jitsu Sensei I found under a pile of snow hours future visits!"

"Friday, May 24:"

"SNOW DAY - 3:00 p.m. in France (9:00 Quebec)"

"Saturday, May 25:"

"SNAP - 12:30 in France (6:30 Quebec)"

"SNOW DAY - 4:00 p.m. in France (10:00 Quebec)"

"Monday, May 27:"

"YETI - 5:30 p.m. in France (11:30 Quebec)"

"Tuesday, May 28:"

"YETI - 4:30 p.m. in France (10:30 Quebec)"

"Sensei can also switch at any time on any server! So keep your eyes open and your Card-Jitsu belts tight :-)"

"See you on the blog ... or on the island!"

"Ninja Loustik005"

Pretty cool post huh? Do you think this is a neat post and will you be meeting Sensei anytime soon? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Encontre o Sensei! (Find Sensei!)

Hello Ninjas, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there are some Times up on the Portuguese Club Penguin Blog on where to find Sensei, check it out.

First here is the Portuguese Version.

"Por Gajotz em 23 de Maio de 2013 - 08:05 am |"

"Gajotz ONLINE!"

"Todos os ninjas online?"

"O Desafio Ninja Neve já começou e o Sensei está visitando a ilha."

"Por isso, a Equipe preparou alguns horários para que vocês possam encontrá-lo!"

"Sigam o HORÁRIO OFICIAL DO CLUB PENGUIN, que vocês encontram no Forte Nevado!"

"Anotem aí:"

  • "23 de Maio, Quinta-feira:"
    • "4:30 AM, no Floco de Neve;"
    • "6:00 AM, no Zero Grau;"
    • "13:15 PM, no Pizza fria;"
    • "14:45 PM, no Boreal."

  • "24 de Maio, Sexta-feira:"
    • "5:30 AM, no Avalanche;"
    • "7:00 AM, no Inverno;"
    • "10:00 AM, no Geladeira;"
    • "13:45 PM, no Cordilheira."

  • "Dia 25 de Maio, Sábado;"
    • "8:45 AM, no Flor da Neve;"
    • "11:15 AM, no Vale Branco;"
    • "13:30 PM, no Zero Grau."

  • "Dia 26 de Maio, Domingo:"
    • "8:30 AM, no Deu Branco;"
    • "10:00 AM, no Glacial;"
    • "13:00 PM, no Cordilheira."

  • "Dia 27 de Maio, Segunda-feira:"
    • "6:00 AM, no Aurora Boreal;"
    • "7:00 AM, no Bloco de Gelo;"
    • "8:45 AM, no Cristal de Gelo;"
    • "13:15 PM, no Ventania."

"Na semana que vem divulgaremos mais alguns horários para vocês."

"Contem nos comentários se já conseguiram encontrar o Sensei!"

"Gajotz, OFFLINE"

"- Equipe do Club Penguin"

And here is the English Version.

"By Gajotz on May 23, 2013 - 8:05 am |"

"Gajotz ONLINE!"
"All ninjas online?"
"The Challenge has begun and Snow Ninja Sensei is visiting the island."
"So the team prepared some time so you can find it!"
"Follow TIME OFFICIAL CLUB PENGUIN, you are at the Snow Forts!"
"Take note there:"
"May 23, Thursday:"
"4:30 AM at Snowflake;"
"6:00 AM, the Zero Degree;"
"13:15 PM in Cold Pizza;"
"14:45 PM in Boreal."

"May 24, Friday:"
"5:30 AM, the Avalanche;"
"7:00 AM, in winter;"
"10:00 AM, in refrigerator;"
"13:45 PM in Cordillera."

"Day May 25, Saturday;"
"8:45 AM in Snow Flower;"
"11:15 AM, White Valley;"
"13:30 PM at Zero Degree."

"Day May 26, Sunday:"
"8:30 AM, White gave in;"
"10:00 AM on Ice;"
"13:00 PM in Cordillera."

"Day May 27, Monday:"
"6:00 AM, the Aurora Borealis;"
"7:00 AM, Block Ice;"
"8:45 AM in Crystal Ice;"
"13:15 PM in Gale."

"Next week I will post a few more times for you."
"Tell the comments now managed to find Sensei!"
"Gajotz, OFFLINE"
"- Club Penguin Team"

Pretty cool post huh? Are you glad there are times in order to meet Sensei? Please leave your comments below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Triff Sensei! (Meet Sensei!)

Hello Cp Fans, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post on the German Club Penguin Blog for Meeting Sensei, check it out.

First here is the German Version.

"Von Federflink1 am 24. Mai 2013 - 7:23 |"

"Hey Ninjas,"

"wir haben uns in Geduld geübt und werden nun belohnt. Der große und weise Sensei kommt auf die Insel, um sich mit allen Ninjas zu treffen und uns den Kampf mit Elementen zu lehren."

"Ich habe wieder einige Termine für euch, damit niemand unseren großen Meister verpassen muss."

"An diesen Tagen könnt ihr Sensei unter Anderem treffen:"

"Montag 27. Mai um 17:15 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Matterhorn"

"Donnerstag 30. Mai um 15:45 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Schneeflocke"

"Montag 03. Juni um 17:15 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Gletscher"

"Donnerstag 06. Juni um 17:15 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Eisberg"

"Montag 10. Juni um 17:45 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Lawine"

"Mittwoch 12. Juni um 17:15 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit), Server Iglu"

"Hat Sensei euch etwas mit auf den Weg gegeben? Hinterlasst mir einen Kommentar dazu, wenn ihr ihn getroffen habt."


"Euer Federflink1"

"vom Club Penguin Team"

And here is the English Version.

"From Federflink1 on May 24, 2013 - 7:23 |"

"Hey ninjas"

"We have trained ourselves in patience and are now rewarded., the great and wise sensei comes to the island to meet up with all the ninjas and to teach us to fight with elements."

"I'm back, so no one has to miss out on our great masters some dates for you."

"On these days, you can meet Sensei, among other things:"
"Monday, May 27th at 17:15 (Central European Time), server Matterhorn"

"Thursday, May 30th at 15:45 (Central European Time), server snowflake"

"Monday 03 June at 17:15 (Central European Time), servers glacier"

"Thursday 06 June at 17:15 (Central European Time), server iceberg"

"Monday, June 10 at 17:45 (Central European Time), servers avalanche"

"Wednesday June 12th at 17:15 (Central European Time), server igloo"
"Has given you something along the way sensei? Just leave me a comment, if you met him."

"Fins Winker Greetings!"

"Your Federflink1"

"The Club Penguin Team"

Pretty cool post huh? Are you glad that there are some dates to meet Sensei? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Card-Jitsu Snow Update: Bug Fixes

Hey Everyone, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is another post put up by the Club Penguin Team about the Card Jitsu Snow update, check it out.

"By Polo Field on May 24, 2013 - 16:21 |"

"Hey Penguins,"

"Thanks for the awesome feedback on your Card-Jitsu Snow experience so far! We have been working day and night over here at HQ to continiously improve gameplay for you."

"A few of you have run into some bugs while playing the game. We have heard you! Here are some of the pesky bugs we are working on squashing:"
  • "#10533 - Players are sometimes stuck on loading screens when attempting to enter gameplay."
  • "#10648 - When entering Card-Jitsu Snow, the player encounters a black or partially black screen."
  • "#10654 - Upon picking a Snow/Fire/Water ninja, players will sometimes recieve an error message."

"Remember, you can always go here to report a bug you have found.  We always appreciate your feedback!"

"On another note, Field Friday will start at 2:30pm today on the server Fjord. Can't wait to check out everyone's awesome igloos!"

"Waddle on!"

"- Club Penguin Team"

Pretty cool post huh? Are you glad that these bugs will be squashed? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Penguin of the Day: Icylome2000

Hello Cp fans, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post on the Club Penguin Blog about todays penguin, check it out.

"By Daffodaily5 on May 24, 2013 - 09:47 |"


"As you know, I love fashion, especially when it’s a bit random! Icylome2000’s retro-vintage style wins todays POTD spot for looking so ace. Plus, check out their super ski resort igloo, it’s awesome!"

"Don’t forget to nominate your buddies via the Contact Us page!"


"-Club Penguin Team"

Pretty cool igloo and outfit huh? Do you think this is a cool post? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Club Penguin Card Jitsu Party Cheats 2013

Hello Ninjas, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today we are going to take a look of this months party which is the Card Jitsu Party for Card Jitsu Snow, check it out.

Pretty cool video huh? Do you think the party is cool? Please leave your comments below on your thoughts of the new party.

Update: It is not up yet but should be up soon.

Penguin of the Day: Jack 55588

Hey Everyone, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new post on todays penguin of the day, check it out.

"By Daffodaily5 on May 23, 2013 - 06:58 |"
"One of the team received an epic story from a devoted ninja, who was clearly super excited about Card-Jitsu Snow! Plus his igloo is like a mini Snow Dojo (Snojo?)! cheeky  Thanks for sending your story, Jack 55588, great job!"
"Don't forget, there are plenty of reasons someone might be nominated for POTD, such as having an amazing igloo or a super creative costume... If you think your buddy deserves to be featured on the blog, contact us and tell us why!"
"-Club Penguin Team"
Pretty cool post huh? Do you think this penguin was well noticed to see? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new post.

Club Penguin Spy Phone Message from Jet Pack Guy May 23, 2013

Hello Agents, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today there is a brand new message from Jet Pack Guy on the Spy Phone, check it out.

"Warning all agents. Nearly crash landed when a strong wind knocked me off course. Not every day I fly through flurries as dangerous as those. Real chilly up there."

Pretty cool message huh? Do you like the party so far? Please comment below on your opinion of the brand new message.

Club Penguin Newspaper Issue #396

Hey Cp fans, Crzypengu here with the latest updates. Today we have a Brand New Newspaper which is issue #396, check it out.

Pretty cool Newspaper huh? Are you liking the Party right now? Please leave a comment below on your opinion of the brand new newspaper.