Saturday, September 29, 2012

Club Penguin Creepy Halloween Fun

Club penguin posted a tweet about two days ago on twitter, check it out.

Wow thanks for the update Polo Field and also there is a glitch in the dojo where Halloween Music is playing.

What do you think of the post Club Penguin gave to us. Also the glitch is pretty strange huh? Please comment in the comments tab below.

Club Penguin New Spy Phone Message from Rookie

Rookie has sent us another Spy Phone Message, check it out.

"Hey Crzypengu! I was so distracted by delicious popcorn, I almost refilled all the game tickets with anvils. Good thing I noticed!"

Its ok Rookie everyone gets distracted by somethings like WOAH a Rare species of caterpillars takes picture.

Club Penguin Unlockable Tricorn Hat 2012

Club Penguin has released an old item back and now it is unlockable, check it out.

This item is called the Tricorn Hat and it looks like what Rockhopper wears and many players do impersonate him and the code is Sombrero. I did get permission to use this code from Club Penguin and you can click on the I got a code on the unlock items online page.

Thanks Club Penguin for bringing back this item, now I can look like Rockhopper lol.

Club Penguin New Poll 2012

Club Penguin has added a brand new poll about the treasure book in the Fun Stuff page, check it out.

Hmm I really like the Red Stylin' Jacket and the Zombie Costumes but because it is almost Halloween I will pick the Zombie Costumes.

Here Is what the poll looks like right now.

What do you think of this poll. Did you find your favorite outfit in this poll? Please comment in the comments tab below.

Club Penguin Featured Igloos: September 28

Yesterday Club Penguin has made a post on this weeks featured Igloos, check it out.



"Thanks for all the fabulous igloo nominations you sent in! It was hard to choose just 3 to feature, but we really loved these designs:"

"Mmstar0 said: "Check out Sms8's igloo, it's really cool!""
"Danceislife said: "Hey!!! Check out Einstein's igloo! His igloos are always full of surprises!""
"Pengamer25 said: "You should check out my friend Tangoboy4's iggy! It's awesome! Waddle On!""

"For something a little different this time, we'd love to hear why you think your own igloo design should be featured on the blog. Let us know in the comments below and we'll post more again soon!"

"Waddle On! :)"

"-Club Penguin Team
By Happy77 on September 28 2012 06:29"

Man I do hope I can be picked sometime because I always wanted to be in a blog post by club penguin. Are you going to try to get on the blog by entering your penguins house on the blog? If so Please comment in the comments tab section and tell me if you are willing to try it.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Club penguin Top 10 video

Club Penguin has added a brand new video on their youtube account, check it out.

Pretty cool video huh? I wish I was able to go but I did not have time and thanks Businesmoose for the update, you rock.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Club Penguin Treasure Book 18

Club Penguin has released a brand new edition of the treasure book, check it out.

 What do you think of this series Treasure book? I know I like it and I want to get the Red Suede Jacket and the Chullo hat. I hope Club Penguin does more treasure books like these because they are amazing.

New Club Penguin Fair Prizes

Club Penguin Has brand new Fair prizes, Check it out.

This is for Everyone.

And heres the one for members and theres a secret which is on the first white flag on the left side on the tip of it you will find the triple scoop secret.

What do you think of these prizes? Are you glad that they came back or what? Please comment about this post.

Club Penguin Newspaper #362

Today Club Penguin has updated the Newspaper, check it out.

Pretty cool newspaper this week, and look at Jet Pack Guy with the Moose Head. He looks more like Businesmoose than JPG. What do you think of this Newspaper? Please click on the comment tab below to post your comment.

Club Penguin Field Op 101 Cheats

Today the club penguin team has updated their field op, check it out.
1. Click on the spyphone

2. Go to the Command Room and click on the screen.

"Hi Crzypengu, Our security cameras juust overheard a cow talking about a malfunctioning fish Grill. We should check it out. Check each of the fish, and fish burger stands, and make sure the grills are working safely." Ok Gary, I can handle that.  

3. Go to the Stadium aka the Bumper car stadium right now, lol.
Location found click on the spyphone.

4. Click engage and solve the puzzle.

5. Done and now you can earn some sweet EPF stuff.
What do you think of this weeks field op? Was it fun doing it during the fair or what? I hope it was. Please comment about this post in the comment tab.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Crzypengu's Adventures

Today I was bored so I decided to put up some pictures I had with some friends, check it out.

I was playing with many people at my forest adventure igloo and here they are like I promised.

Well everything was normal except for this lake I found and did a penguin get trapped in there or is it just a monster.

Meeting new penguins is a blast isn't it Gabz4000

EEEK, some wolves are trying to get into the cabin and licking me? Lol they just wanted some food, of course I will get you some food wolves Pengy88164 and Gyou23. Gives food to nice wolves. 

While looking around I found that Pingule123 was looking at me strangely where I was acting like a Gnome even though the other Gnome doesn't talk.

Now I am Robin Hood and I see that P88532005 is a clown and I didn't clowns lived in these parts, I guess they will practice Juggling for the Fair.

I was about to leave and sail off on another adventure when I heard Billowy 1 had important things to do so I decided to let them use the boat:)

I wonder where that passage will lead to? Maybe it goes to a secret cave but I don't want to be startled by anything especially Giant Watermelons. 

Thanks for the fun everyone, I know that I had a blast. would you like to come to one of my parties? If you do follow me on twitter at where you can send me messages about the blog and more. Until next time, I'm Crzypengu and I will see you later CP fans.